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Our Story

Ross Davidson

Founder & CEO

Ross Davidson is the CEO and founder of Chieftain Elite Consulting, LLC. He and his team specialize in assisting clients with their strategic and operational planning requirements, and the mission execution solutions to deploy successful business operations, organizational management, and leadership development programs. He and his team of highly skilled professionals provide specialized research and analysis supporting national defense acquisition programs and associated strategies. He has worked with multiple clients on developmental projects ranging from advanced technological solutions for Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance (ISR) platforms; Soldier lethality power management systems; Organizational readiness programs and associated systems; training exercise analysis and design; effective integration and fusion of intelligence and operations; and establishing a baseline for business operations that accelerate growth and profitability.


Colonel (Retired) Ross E. Davidson Jr. is a recognized expert in ground combat operations, joint - combined arms warfare, and all related aspects of mission command systems, effective organizational design, and operations – intelligence integration . A 31-year combat veteran, he retired in 2019 as the United States Army’s senior Infantryman after serving as the Joint Staff Force Development Directorate’s Operations Director and senior representative to the Secretary of Defense Close Combat Lethality Cross Functional Team. He has led and commanded soldiers at every echelon from platoon to brigade. He has deployed to combat over five times with tours of duty in Iraq, Afghanistan, Kuwait and Kosovo, and many contingency deployments in between. He is recognized as a thought leader and practitioner in the field of combat system innovation and design. His knowledge and expertise in the field of mission command, organizational design, and combat capability development spans 20 years and includes a diverse array of platforms and supporting force protection systems in the categories of Soldier target acquisition, night vision, communications, survivability, ground mobility, ISR and UAV systems.   

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